Join us for redfern.events Psychic & Wellness Fair, Sunday April 14th, 2024 from 10am-4pm at the Aurora Legion (105 Industrial Parkway North). The day will be filled with opportunities to relax in the serene energy of spirit and connection while shopping metaphysical and wellness vendors and receive readings and healings from reputable readers and healers!
Admission is $5 at the door (FREE under 12), and good for the entire day, so you can come and go as you please! Each admission offers guests an opportunity to add your name to a draw to win 1 of 5 readings. *Winners are notified the evening after the event concludes*
Swag bags are given to the first 20 guests through the door!
We are currently accepting vendor, reader and healer registrations for our 2024 psychic and wellness fairs.
*We require all readers and healers to be of professional and ethical standing. Readers and healers must provide certifications and proof of education, training and professional standing*
Please click here for link to registration form.
Don't forget to follow and like redfern.events on Facebook and Instagram, to stay up-to-date on all upcoming events, workshops and more!
For all inquiries please email eventsbyredfern@gmail.com
Nytesong Healing
Soul NRG
Jalvini Coaching
Naturally Enchanted
Formless Movement Energy Healing Inc.
Muse Enlighten
Buy Some Love
Tarotvale Intuitive Guidance
Silver SA. Ltd.
Spirited Earth
Sound Solutions Wellness
Sweet Ritual Skincare
Laughing Forest Sage
Frazzled Freaks
Venus Moon Emporium
Vanessa Taratufolo
Energy and Expression
Sha Sha
Jennifer Juniper Astrology + Tarot
Lovely Intentions
Stonehouse Earthart
Renee Edwards, Energy Healer
Jeeves’ sHot Sauce
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